

Before you install BUTTON, make sure that PGPLOT (version 5.1.0 or above) is already installed in your system. Some details about how I do typically install PGPLOT under Linux and Mac OS X are given here.

Button Installation

To install Button you need to perform the following steps:

1.- Download the latest distribution from github:

$ git clone

2.- Enter into the directory button and prepare the code to be compiled

$ autoreconf -s -i -f
$ ./configure


Mac users can easily indicate a different Fortran compiler using, for example, ./configure FC=gfortran-mp-13 CC=gcc-mp-13 (note that the associated C compiler is also provided).

3.- Compile the code:

$ make

4.- Check that the sample program works:

$ src/samplebutton

5.- (Optional) Install the library in the system:

$ sudo make install

C version

A reduced C version of Button if also available here (use it at your own risk!).